Products and services
We develop and construct customized low weight vacuum chambers with internal volumes ranging from 1 liter to 35000 liters. These innovative and energy efficient chamber can be used for food and chemical cold storage and transportation, heat management of temperature controlled spaces, advanced manufacturing and other applications.
Reach out to see if your application can benefit from our technology.

About us

Latheacond Technologies (UEN 201726823W) is bringing patented innovation in constructing low-weight and low-cost vacuum enclosures. With R&D expertise built over a decade, Latheacond is poised to reduce food wastage in global cold supply chains by making large-scale vacuum storage and transportation of non-frozen foods economically viable.
Created as a spin-off from A*STAR (Singapore’s leading public sector science and technology organization), Latheacond is backed by grant funding from Temasek Foundation and Enterprise Singapore. The company is based in Singapore.

Latheacond Technologies' reaches finals of the inaugural Liveability Challenge
Singapore, July 2018
Latheacond Technologies' patented Vacuum Assisted Radiant Cooling solution was shortlisted in the finals of the Liveability Challenge 2018. In the annual event organized by Eco-Business and in partnership with Temasek Foundation, our VARC solution joined six finalists shortlisted from hundreds of entries from across the APAC region.
Latheacond secures Temasek Foundation grant
January 2020
Latheacond Technologies received a grant from Temasek Foundation to pilot its New Vacuum Reefer technology, and showcase the potential of this sustainable solution for industrial and retail applications in the F&B sector.
Latheacond secures grant funding from Enterprise Singapore
September 2020
Latheacond Technologies secured grant funding from Enterprise Singapore to pilot it's Vacuum Insulation Casing technology. The project aims at building a low cost alternative to existing vacuum insulation panel technology used in space cooling.